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Foreign Consulates and Chongqing FAO Delegation Visiting National Exhibition Sections Participation of 71 Foreign Enterprises and Institutions in Smart China Expo

Foreign Consulates and Chongqing FAO Delegation Visiting National Exhibition Sections 

Participation of 71 Foreign Enterprises and Institutions in Smart China Expo


On September 4, the Foreign Affairs Office of the Chongqing Municipal Government organized the consuls-general of various countries in Chongqing and Chengdu and directors of foreign affairs offices of nearby districts and counties to visit the foreign sections of national exhibitions located at the Hall N1 of Chongqing International Expo Center. Opening ceremonies or roadshows were held for the Singaporean Section, Italian Section, Austrian Section, Uruguayan Section and Israeli Section.




This year’s Smart China Expo received active participation from foreign consulates-general in Chongqing and Chengdu, where 8 consulates brought a total of 71 enterprises and institutions to the exhibition. Sections of National Exhibitions of all countries focus on Intelligent and Connected New Energy Vehicles, showcasing relevant industries in their own countries with different characteristics and highlights.

In addition, 15 foreign consulates-general in Chengdu and Chongqing also invited more than 100 representatives to the exhibition from institutions and enterprises of their respective countries.

On September 5, the Foreign Affairs Office of the Chongqing Municipal Government also arranged personnel from foreign consulates and relevant enterprises for a visit to companies in Western China (Chongqing) Science City and Bishan High-tech Industrial Development Zone.

Building Communication “Bridge” Empowered by Technology


“The power of intelligence promotes the high-quality development of the world, and Smart China Expo represents an important platform for deepening exchanges and cooperation in this respect”, said staff from the Singapore Section. This year marks Singapore’s fourth participation in the exhibition as a co-host. More than 20 Singaporean enterprises were brought to this year’s exhibition. The Singaporean Section boasts rich content, involving education, science and technology, consulting, software and others. In particular, it showcases the China-Singapore (Chongqing) Demonstration Initiative on Strategic Connectivity. Taking bilateral cooperation in finance, aviation, transportation and logistics, and information and communication technology as the core, the project aims to develop Chongqing into a leading hub of modern connectivity and service economy.

“Undoubtedly, the Smart China Expo represents an important platform for Italy to cooperate with China in scientific and technological innovation, not only in southwest China but also across the country.” Fabio Schina, Consul-General of Italy in Chongqing, said at the unveiling ceremony for the Italian Section that this time they have gathered 10 Italian enterprises related to the automobile industry, including STMicroelectronics, a global leading semiconductor enterprise that will build a joint venture factory in Chongqing. In the future, it will mass-produce 8-inch SiC devices. This is an opportunity to promote the exchanges and cooperation between enterprises in Italy and Chongqing.

 “Cutting-Edge Technology” in the Foreign Sections of National Exhibitions, Hall N1

At the Hungarian Section, a blue convertible sports car catches the eye of visitors, who couldn’t resist taking pictures. The battery electric convertible can accelerate to 100 km/h in only 2.6 seconds, according to the staff. For this Smart China Expo, the Hungarian Section invited the developers of smart batteries, smart trailer systems and vintage convertible sports cars running on new energy to display their cutting-edge power battery technology and their “feature products”. For example, the Bay Radial Speaker (BRS) showroom displays Hungary Bayz Audio carbon fiber water pipe stereos.

Intelligent driver assistance system, artificial intelligence (AI) voice, innovative motion control, sensing chip for machine vision depth camera and 3D printing... Five companies invited by the Israeli Section shared their advanced experience.

The Australian Section brought two important enterprises. One of which is Tianqi Lithium’s Kwinana Plant in Western Australia, which is a world-leading battery-grade lithium hydroxide monohydrate plant. The Section also brought the 13th largest telecommunications company in the world, Telstra.

The Austrian Section exhibited advanced smart manufacturing products covering powertrain systems for passenger cars and trucks and professional welding systems.

The Uruguayan Section focuses on sharing research experience in green hydrogen projects. Uruguay is committed to promoting the development of new energy and electric and hydrogen fuel cell vehicles, with more than 98% of its energy network composed of renewable energy sources.

The ROK Section focuses on the ICT field, presenting and promoting 5G development and digital layout, AI National Strategy, IoT, Big Data, Smart City, AI and others.







科技赋能 搭建沟通之“桥”







走进匈牙利国家馆,一款蓝色敞篷跑车非常抢眼,吸引观众驻足拍照。工作人员介绍,这辆全电动敞篷跑车百公里加速仅需2.6秒。此次智博会匈牙利国家馆展示智能电池、智能拖车系统及新能源复古敞篷跑车等,为重庆带来动力电池前沿技术和他们的“明星产品”。如Bay Radial Speaker(BRS) 陈列室,展出了匈牙利Bayz Audio 碳纤维水管音响等。







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