Delegation of Representatives from Mainstream Honduran Media Outlets Visiting Chongqing : Praising Urban Construction and Rural Revitalization洪都拉斯主流媒体团访问重庆点赞城市建设、乡村振兴On March 26 of this year, China and Honduras officially signed a J…
2023-11-20People’s Daily Focus: New Progress Made in the Construction of the Chengdu-Chongqing Twin-Hub Mega-Region人民日报聚焦:成渝地区双城经济圈建设迈出新步伐On June 27, the Economy Section of the People’s Daily focused on the construction of the Chengdu-Chongq…
2023-11-20The Seventh Sichuan-Chongqing Party-Government Meeting on Promoting Chengdu-Chongqing Twin-Hub Mega-Region HeldWorking Together for High-Quality Integrated Development of Central Areas of Chengdu-Chongqing RegionWriting a New Chapter of Practical and Subs
2023-11-20Thongloun Sisoulith, General-Secretary of the LPRP Central Committee and President of Lao PDR, Paying a Visit to Chongqing老挝人革党中央总书记、国家主席通伦来渝访问考察△ 参观内陆国际物流枢纽展示中心。From June 19 to 21, a delegation led by Thongloun Sisou…
2023-11-20Yuan Jiajun and Hu Henghua Meeting with Thongloun Sisoulith, General-Secretary of the LPRP Central Committee and President of Lao PDR袁家军胡衡华会见老挝人革党中央总书记、国家主席通伦2023年6月19日,中共中央政治局委员、重庆市委书记袁家军会见老挝人革党中央总…
2023-11-01Symposium Commemorating the 140th Birth Anniversary of General Stilwell Carrying Forward the Spirit of General Stilwell and Promoting People-to-People Exchanges and Cooperation Between China and the US纪念史迪威将军诞辰140周年研讨会传承“史迪威精神” 促进中…
2023-11-01Interview with General Stilwell’s Great-Granddaughters, Susan and NancyReturning to Chongqing to Witness the Lasting Friendship of Chinese and American People After 20 Years专访史迪威将军外曾孙女苏珊和南希20年后再赴“重庆之约”见证中美人民友谊延续Bt Yang …
2023-11-01“A Great Friend – Photo Exhibition on General Stilwell’s Life”General Stilwell in Chongqing Through the Lens“伟大的朋友——史迪威将军生平图片展”光影中回望史迪威将军的重庆岁月By Liu Dingrui and Tang Anbing/The World and Chongqing2023年8月8日,“伟大的…
2023-11-01Yuan Jiajun Meeting with Family of General Stilwell袁家军会见史迪威将军后代On the afternoon of August 9, Yuan Jiajun, Secretary of the CPC Chongqing Municipal Committee, met with Susan Mai Easterbrook Cole and Nancy Easterbrook Millward, great-granddaughte…
2023-10-31“Lighting Up the Future” China-Nepal Political Parties’ Livelihood and Poverty Alleviation Action Kicking Off in KatmanduYuan Jiajun and Devraj Ghimire Addressing the Event“点亮未来”中尼政党民生与减贫行动在加德满都开启袁家军致辞 德沃拉贾吉米雷致辞7月2…
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